Friday, October 7, 2011

Wing Chai

     This week I reached the point that I've never spent this long in another country before. Wow! Sometimes it feels like I just got here- especially when I try speaking Thai! Those confused looks can be both frustrating and amusing! I thank you for the prayers over my learning Thai and for my health. I haven't been sick at all and the Thai is slowly but surely starting to stick!
    Today I want to share with you about a couple I met who I can say with a clear concious is the best example I have ever met of faithfulness to the Lord. There names are Ajung (Pastor) Tee and Masse and they live in a small town called Wing Chai. The entire town of Wing Chai is completely Buddhist. Missionaries have come and left with no success. There has been no Christian church ever built. Five years ago, Greg and a friend  met an Auca lady (Masse) in the market who had a cross on her purse. They asked and she responded that she was a Christian and held up her Bible that she was reading when she had no customers. They became really excited when she told them that her husband and herself were looking to plant a church in Wing Chai, ministering to the Tia Yuan people. That started a relationship between Greg and Corinne and Tee and Masse! Tee and Masse bought a house in the middle of the town that was said to be haunted by ghosts and the spirits of it's former owners. Nothing could grow there and no one dared to live or go near it. But the rent was cheap and believing in God's protection, Tee and Masse moved in with their son! They took down the spirit string that was wrapped around the house, cleaned it up, prayed over it, and planted a garden! Neighbors watched and every morning they would call out if they were safe and if they slept well. Tee and Masse could say every morning that they were well rested and at peace! The garden grew and through their example Tee and Masse were a testimony of Christ's power right away! They did things contextually right by building friendships for the first 2 years. Their gentle spirits and servant hearts captured the town's attention and after the two years of performing mundane jobs for the town, the mayor announced over the town loudspeaker that "they are good people and are here to help. Welcome them into your homes." At that point they started evangelizing and praying with people. They work for their living completely, so, when questioned, people know they are not doing this for financial gain. Actually, they have turned down some better paying job offers from Bangkok. They have moved twice and the place they now live in is pretty rough. They knew they had no space to meet for church in their home, but the neighbors wanted them to stay and offered them the use of the town hall. And that is where they meet for church now- in the center of town!

         Masse with their daughter, Music!
 Pastor Tee with Music. (I didn't get to meet their son)

 Their small house that floods underneath in the rainy season.

  Their first house that was said to be "haunted".

The town hall where they meet for church!

     The hard part about this couple’s story is that five years later, not one person has committed their lives to Christ. There is still no fruit for all their labor and they are starting to question if they should stay. There is so much negative pressure, not only from families, but from the community as a whole to not accept their teaching. There is a lady who is so close to believing but is scared to loose the funding from her family for her children’s schooling. The moment someone goes to their little church they get hounded by the community and asked if they’ve become a Christian. They feel either they are at the calm before the breaking point or they need to dust off their feet and move on like other missionaries have done. They are not discouraged or depressed, actually they are quite joyful people and showing clearly the freedom God gives your soul! They just need guidance as to what to do next.

     I’ve been struck with how many times I’ve judged missionaries in their same shoes. I would think that the missionaries are doing something wrong in their methodology. I even tend to pray for them less, when what they really need is more prayer. This town is so controlled by Satan and their own sinful desires that not even one person can commit to Christ. How ashamed I am that I have not been on my face praying for those who have no prayer support, those who are in dark places and barely receive the encouragement to keep going. Why does money have to be a motivation for prayer? Why are we so quick to judge our brothers and sisters in Christ? I was filled with remorse and shame that I had not seen this earlier.
   So, I plead with you now to pray for this couple and others who are in these same predicaments. They are trusting God and loving Him and the people around them. They need encouragement because it is not easy to see friends reject the only thing that will give them freedom and joy. Sometimes encouragement has to come straight from the Word of God and that is where our prayers from a distance can come alive. Pray that the Lord will impress upon them certain scriptures and truths about Himself. Pray also that the Lord will guide their future. I don't want to see this couple be labeled as another failed case in this town. I must trust in God's goodness and justice in every situation as well. God forsook towns in the Bible who would not turn from their wicked ways, but I believe there is a reason that Ajung Tee and Masse were called to come to this town and be a witness for Him. 

    Concerning my own ministry, please be in prayer for the CEF staff as we will be doing a 3-day camp on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I'm pretty excited about it and I think we are pretty much prepared for it! There will be 100+ kids there, the majority being unsaved. Pray they will understand the gospel and desire it. It is difficult for a child to accept Christ if their family is against it, but many who hear the gospel as children respond to it later as adults.
      Thank you so much! Sorry it's another long post. God bless you all!   


  1. Emily, your posts are GREAT. I love that you share about the people you are coming in contact with. Please let Adjarn Tee and Masse (what does her name mean?) know that I will be praying for them. I have a special list of "impossibles" that I pray God's Possibles for and they will be added today. May God bring a whole people group to HIMSELF, and may Adjarn Tee and Masse continue to be faithful. What is their son's name?

  2. Where is Wing Chai? I can't find it on Google.
